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A member registered Mar 05, 2019

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I actually enjoyed the 700 zombies fight (This wasn't in the tutorial, this was after a while of actual gaming), it was chaotic and fun. My problem was I didn't feel like there was enough opportunities to leave early to try and get some level of advantages. If this is the intent of the game then that's fine, I understand how boring a small group of zombies would be, though I think where it's at is a bit high. Perhaps zombie hordes of about 30-40 ramping up from there would be more manageable for those who want to take risks while also not seeming overbearing for those who want to take it slower.

I'll try giving another test when V2 is released and perhaps record it as well so it can be a fun silly experience for us all ((Yes I did wish I recorded my several hundred zombies encounters for ya to watch)). Best of luck and, to be honest, I kind of like BlockchainZ, the direction it looks like it's going is an arcade-y colourful zombies experience which takes itself just seriously enough to keep more experienced players involved while having just enough colourfulness and silliness that it's entertaining for those adhd gamers who want action on action.

I wish you the best of luck with the project :)

Hello there, SREDISKRAD here. I found out about this game from Markiplier, and while I was intrigued at first, my gameplay experience was a little different.

To start off with, there was only the normal and hard difficulties - call me what you will I was hoping for the newbie category as I am not that experienced yet. Boi did that change. As I began playing I soon found out the 3 troops I had weren't exactly gonna cut it, no fault of their own as I wasn't that good either.

After dying very very quickly and recruiting another few people I spent a few of my first coinz on some upgrades to try and do better (and I'll get onto thoughts about the tech tree later) I thought it would be time to get some revenge on the zombies, but with hordes of 60 zombs running around and my bunker having weak defences I thought it'd be better to wait for the hordes to wander off or get some opportunity where I thought I could safely leave the bunker - bad idea.

I soon discovered that the zombies could walk into each other and add up, which led to, what was probably one of the most chaotic fights I've ever experienced. Let me guide you through BlockChainZ: 50, a 1/6th scale Thermopylae.

You see, the zombies had added up far faster than I had thought they would, this is like 5-10 minutes into my play, I didn't expect the zombies to be this high in numbers, all my previous zombies experience being CoD, so when the huge horde of - I kid you not - 702 decided to slam into my bunker, the most intense (on both my game and graphics card) fight ever. I was chugging hard and nearly papping myself, I was only a mini level 3 soldier at the time. 

I swear this fight was almost 15 minutes of frame dropping, bullet spraying, silly action I'd every played. I'm not saying this in a bad way, I would love to get into more of this later on in games development - 700 zombies was an experience at least.

The moral here is, I think the zombies start out pretty thick and scale a bit fast for someone who can only bring 3-5 troops with them at any time early. maybe when we're towing a small platoon of 10-15 men would it be safer to go after wandering hordes of 50-60 zombies.

As for the tech tree that I wanted to get to. I like it, but, I wish there was techs that affected our weaponry, or our bunker. If we could build barricades, barbed wires, mines and towers for our bunker over time so the troops at home can do a more effective job of protecting it while we go out and fight the fight then it would mean the pant messingly 700 hordes can be dealt with by a probably mid game 100-200 soldiers at home with sandbags, mg placements, etc. As for our weapons, I like them, it would be nice if we could have some upgrades like carrying more ammo (I know there's the ammo box) or perhaps more RoF/reload speed perks.

Just a couple of suggestions and a story for ya, I like the game and will play it a few more times ((and if I'm being honest, I quite like the simplified graphics, a zombies game with looks like this is actually quite refreshing.))

All the best,